Morning Rush 5-Ingredient Celery Cucumber Juice
Celery Juice is all the buzz in the health community right now (maybe for longer if I’m late to this party). There are countless articles on all its nutritional benefits and dietary perks. This is not one of those posts. This is about how celery juice makes me feel …
Read MoreGreen Oatmeal Breakfast Smoothie
This smoothie is SO creamy with no “green” flavor. Basically, it tastes & feels like a lightened up peanut butter or nut butter banana shake. Since there is no veggie flavor profile here, and the spinach only seems to “sweeten the deal”, this is a perfect breakfast or after-school snack to give your kids for St. Patrick’s Day.
Read MoreAnti-Inflammatory Golden Milk Turmeric Tea
Along with its abundant health and nutritional benefits from turmeric and ginger, this naturally gluten, dairy, soy, and peanut free tea offers calming effects for your belly and digestive tract. It also tastes delicious and feels like comfort food!
Read MoreAnti-Inflammatory, Pain-Reliever Pineapple Turmeric Juice
Straight from my favorite free-range forager’s lips (yes, he can eat anything), these words made my heart flutter, to hear that this juice recipe can be “habit forming”… especially when sometimes I think my creations can be a bit weird. Nothing strange here. This one’s a keeper!
Read MoreHealthy Fruit and Veggie Ice Cubes Get Noticed
I’m so excited that these kicked up Fruit and Veggie Ice Cubes have been featured by Water, coconut water, even cocktails will make a splash with these naturally delicious frozen additions. Choose any fruits and veggies you like … these are some of my favorites!
Read MoreLemon Ginger Tummy Tea
Tummy aches are the worst! This tea is what I turn to for all of my tummy issues. I actually depend on this warm tea for various ailments. Migraine and headaches have been alleviated, cold and flu symptoms have reduced, and I love how it always soothes my raw sore throat when I drink this tea with a teaspoonful of honey.
Read MoreAnti-Inflammatory Pineapple Coconut Chia Smoothie
I was looking for something that said “Tropical Summer Holiday” to me. This is it! With this tropical flavored smoothie you’ll not only get delicious flavors, but you just might reap anti-inflammatory and energy-boosting rewards. Ready to go on a tropical dream getaway with me?
Read MoreCran-Apple Zinger Juice
Here’s a tasty morning eye-opening juice that will have your taste buds dancing and your urinary tract feeling flushed … which is a good thing, in case you were wondering.
Read MoreSweet Bang Broccoli Juice
With this raw, whole food fruit and vegetable recipe not only do you reap the nutritional benefits of fresh juice from broccoli, carrots, spinach and apples, but you’ll also have useable pulp fiber to incorporate into other recipes, boosting nutrition even more at mealtimes.
Read MoreGreen Juice … Go!
Green juices can be an excellent way to increase your “healthy foods” consumption and get more energy for your busy days. No reason to fear the flavor of this one … it’s gently sweet, bright, and will set your day up right!
Read MoreTropical Protein Shake
I love starting my busy day with a solid nutritional base. This protein shake is bright and refreshing. It’s a not overly sweetened drink that uses only whole foods and no added sugars, and is energy boosted with the addition of chia seeds and raw walnuts. You’ll also be getting a healthy dose of anti-oxidants, fiber, and anti-inflammatory benefits.
Read MoreBlueberry Pumpkin Protein Smoothie
This smooth and creamy gluten-free, dairy-free protein smoothie is loaded with nutrition and health benefits of pumpkin, pepitas (pumpkin seeds), blueberries and cashew butter. I like how there’s not guilt in loving this day-starter!
Read MoreFruit and Veggie Ice Cubes
I’m a firm believer in adequate hydration. Some who know me would argue that point and say I’m a fanatic – but that’s a story for another day. Today I’m just here to share a fun, tasty, no sugar added, naturally gluten-free, dairy-free way to jazz up your beverages.
Read MoreBlueberry Orange Coconut Protein Smoothie
Ever take a sip or a bite of something expecting it to taste a certain, preconceived way, and then it doesn’t? That’s what happened here. And it was a surprising – yet still very pleasant – surprise!
Read MoreCashew Butter Chocolate Mocha Green Smoothie
The whirring of the blender when I’m creating my gluten-free, dairy-free morning smoothies is one of the best sounds to me. I know that I’m about to embark upon a taste treat that will be just that … a taste treat. But I also have the satisfaction of knowing that I’m about to do something really good for my body too. This smoothie recipe never disappoints!
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