Simply stated, all of what you see (the content) at represents the hard work and creative energies of the staff at Daily Forage. It is intellectual property. Unless identified otherwise, it is owned by Connie L Veilleux, Publisher of Daily Forage. As such, it is protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. All rights to the content are reserved with the following legal exceptions.

The Legal Stuff. All recipes and images, logos, designs, descriptions, graphics, buttons; all content, located at are the creation and property of Daily Forage, unless otherwise noted. 

Use of images and/or recipes is limited to the following terms. 

  1. Commercial use is strictly forbidden.
  2. Images may not be digitally altered, reworked or incorporated into any subsequent or creative imagery.
  3. Allowable image use must credit The credit must be directly associated to the image with the language “photo courtesy of”. Allowable recipe usage must credit The credit must be directly associated to the recipe with the language “recipe courtesy of”.
  4. All digital appearances of images or recipes must direct a web link back to

Any other use, or intended use, of writings, recipes, images, designs, logos, icons, descriptions, etc. will be considered. A written request should be directed to info@DailyForage.comWritten permission must be issued by Daily Forage prior to use.