… Two-Ingredient Meal in a Flash!
Want a super easy, two-ingredient lunch or light dinner idea? This is it! A meatless, vegan and vegetarian dish with no frills but is so satisfying. Pan-grilled polenta with spaghetti sauce. È perfetto! It’s perfect! I use Ancient Harvest Polenta and Mezzetta Tomato & Sweet Basil Sauce (not a sponsored post here – just good, pure products).
Though this dish is extremely simple to prepare, is good for the budget, and fits into our gluten-free, dairy-free lifestyle, we get a meal that is more than just the sum of its parts. The polenta satisfies a craving for richness with an impression of cheese, as well as a chew of something filled with gluten. It’s difficult to satisfy those yearnings typically, don’t you agree? Saucy Polenta Rounds are my go-to … often. This won’t disappoint.
(P.S. Maybe throw in a big, green salad for good measure!)
Happy cooking!
Gluten-free, Vegan Saucy Polenta Rounds
- 1 18-ounce package of polenta
- 1 25-ounce jar gluten-free, vegan spaghetti or pasta sauce
- Slice polenta log into 1/2 inch slices.
- Heat cast iron or heavy pan over medium high heat. Add polenta rounds. Let cook on first side until they release from pan easily, about 5-7 minutes. This will give them a nice crust. Flip and repeat. Reduce heat to medium-low and let heat thoroughly through center.
- Heat sauce, covered, in microwave until hot, about 30-60 seconds. Stir, repeat heat cycle, if necessary. Dollop spaghetti sauce on each round. Plate and enjoy!
*This post was first shared on DailyForage.com and is shared on VegetarianMama.com on Gluten Free Fridays #233.
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