… Are You Ready to Show Off Your Faves?
I’m so excited to let you know that Earth Balance is launching their annual Spring to Life Recipe Contest today, Monday, April 15th on MadeJustRight.com. You must know by now how much I LOVE Earth Balance products, right? This recipe contest has generated such great results in the past that they are bringing it back by popular demand, and this year they’ve invited Carolyn Scott-Hamilton, of HealthyVoyager.com, as their guest judge.
To participate, you’re invited to share your favorite recipes made with Earth Balance products. The contest runs for four weeks, each week featuring a different category, as follows:
- April 15-21: Appetizers and Side Dishes
- April 22-28: Beverages
- April 29-May 5: Entrées
- May 6-12: Desserts (that’s where I’d want to be!)
Your submissions give you a chance to win great prizes, including gift baskets with Earth Balance goodies, lifetime supplies of Earth Balance, AND an all-expenses paid trip for two to the vegan paradise that is Portland, Oregon! Wow, you can’t really pass up an opportunity like this, can you? What’s not to love? You get to make your own goodies … eat your own goodies … AND show them off to other foodies! FUN!
Winners will be announced the week of May 20, 2013.
If you want to be a part of this great contest, you can find all the contest details, how to submit a recipe, and the official rules at Made Just Right Spring to Life Recipe Contest. Hope to see you there! Be sure to let us know what you’ve entered so we can go check it out, too!
Safe food is a journey … Thrive!™