Have You Taken Your Pulse Today?

Posted by on Aug 3, 2011 in Books | 0 comments

Pulses Booklet Cover 2 I don’t mean the pulse you take with two fingers held under the side of your chin, or at your wrist, to measure your heart rate. I mean the other important pulse you should be taking regularly … also known as legumes or beans, in many parts of the world. 

Pulses, by Canadian and European reference, are an important part of a healthy, gluten-free diet. Pulses include dry beans, dry peas, lentils, and chickpeas. They provide high levels of protein, help maintain healthy blood sugar levels through their complex carbohydrates, and provide excellent soluble and non-soluble fiber. Pulses also benefit overall health by supplying essential nutrients, while being low in fat and sodium. 

With all these benefits, you may be wondering how to incorporate these powerhouses of all things nutritious into your gf diet? There is a great new reference booklet, Pulses and the Gluten-Free Diet, available for free. It contains valuable nutrition information and recipes for including pulses in your salads, soups, and even baked goods. Did you know you can increase the moisture content of your muffins while extending their shelf life just by adding pulses as an ingredient? And, no, they don’t become inundated with an earthy “bean” flavor. 

Check out this booklet to learn how you can take your pulse everyday to support a healthy gluten-free lifestyle at Pulses and the Gluten-Free Diet

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