Ever have question about whether an ingredient in a product is in the "safe foraging" category? Frustrated at having to make an extra trip to the store because you had questions about certain additives and didn't have your reference materials with you. Well, I've got a solution to ease the stress. It is an app you can download right onto your phone. It is called Genius Scan.
Genius Scan is basically a pocket scanner that retains the scanned documents on your phone for quick retrieval at your fingertips. The beauty of this app is the content is determined by you to fit your personal needs. It is as simple as taking a photo of whatever content you want easy access to when you are out and about. The app has a cropping/layout feature so you decide on just the visual you want, with nothing else to distract. With Genius Scan I have simply scanned the pages I want, titled them accordingly (yes, you can even do this right in the app), and stored them on my phone. It was so quick and simple to do.
Shopping has become easier since I downloaded Genius Scan. I have scanned a six page guide from a favorite reference book I own about living without wheat and gluten in one's diet. I used to carry the book everywhere I went when I was first learning how to decipher safe vs. problem ingredients. Now whenever I am out and about and an ingredient question arises, I simply refer to my documents right on my phone.
Genius Scan works on the iPhone and is downloadable from the iPhone App Store in iTunes. Genius Scan was rated #1 Free Business App of 2010 by Apple. Be sure to check it out!